5 Creative DIY Easter Ideas: Nature-Inspired Indoor Decorations

Last Updated on September 30, 2023

Discover inspiring Easter ideas using natural materials. 

easter decor ideas for DIY Easter projects to decorate your home

I’ was looking for some Easter ideas for indoor decorations that incorporate materials found in nature, and even better, from my own garden.

Often, I find inspiration by browsing photos on Pixabay, and this time was no exception. I came across several excellent Easter decoration pictures that helped me come up with ideas for Easter table decorations that are suitable for DIY, easy to create, and won’t cost much to make. You probably already have the majority of the necessary items in your home and backyard.

I want to share these inspiring photos with you and hope they will inspire you as well

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1. Easter basket with wheat grass

You can make Easter table decor or a centerpiece for Easter using a basket, wheatgrass and dyed eggs.

Additionally,  you can stick pussy willow and forsythia branches, or tulips and daffodils in the grass too (just place them in the little individual floral picks). Or you can keep branches and flowers separate, like forsythia in mason jar in the picture abobe.

Just be aware that it takes 6-10 days for wheat grass to grow, so calculate your time correctly. If you didn’t grow wheat grass before, read instructions how to do it here.

You can buy wheatgrass seeds on Amazon and use it not only for Easter decor, but enjoy wheat grass juice for your own health benefits. Your cat will like wheatgrass too!

As for dyed Easter eggs – use natural egg dye kit or this year try coloring Easter eggs with onion skins.

Read related article: How to dye Easter eggs in onion skins.

2. Bird nests

A bird nest makes a perfect cradle for dyed Easter eggs.

You can use a large nest for eggs display. Gluing soft fuzzy catkins from pussy willow around the nest is quite ingenious!

Another great idea is to use little nests for individual Easter egg serving – just place a dyed egg in the nest at each family member’s table setting. You can get bird nests of variuous sizes on Amazon.

Ester decor idea

Related reading: Get more decorating ideas inspired by nature.

Easter decor - egg in the nest in the cup

3. Egg shells and herbs

Get creative and have fun with egg shells and herbs. What a wonderful Easter decor for the kitchen counter!

Also, you can use dyed egg shells to serve as vases for small flowers from your flower bed: like primulas, grape hyacinths, crocuses, violas, freesias, lilies-of-the-valley. The choice of  flowers depends on the date of Easter. 

Alternatively, you can purchase ceramic planters that look like egg shell and have it for years to come .

4. Spring flowers and branches in unusual containers

floers in the basket to decorate home for Easter

Get a basket, empty flower pot, watering can, vintage metal can, mason jar, wood tray, cheery vase, or metal tab and place in it spring flowers – daffodils, crocuses, or tulips, pussy willow, forsythia, hazel or filbert branches with catkins that you can find in your backyard.

daffodils for Easter decor
Easter decor idea

I hope you are growing pussy willow and forsythia bushes for spring interest in your garden. If you are not, consider planting some this year. Pussy willow and forsythia:

  • grow quickly
  • require minimal care
  • make perfect hedges
  • can be used in spring bouquets and Easter home decor.

Combine pussy willow branches with tulips and daffodils. This combination always states, “Spring is here!”

rabbit planter with saucer

Cement rabbit planter with saucer offered by Amazon.

Another idea is to get a planter shaoed as Easter Bunny or rabbit and use it as a holder for a bouquet made of branches and flowers, wheat grass with dyed eggs, or flowering bulbs.

5. Easter eggs hanging from branches

Make a centerpiece incorporating tall yet flexible branches (like red willow, forsythia, hazel, dogwood, birch) and hang colorful plastic eggs from them stuffed with Easter candies. For added interest clip  butterflies on the branches.

DIY Easter ideas

What about hanging plastic eggs with Easter treats on the bushes outdoors and bringing the Easter egg hunt to a whole new level above the ground? Your kids will be delighted!

Are you looking for more inspiring Easter decorating ideas for your home?

How about 100 of them? 😊

Then watch this 8 minute long YouTube video made by Pet Nelli. 

Read related Easter food ideas:

Easter eggs decorating ideas:

Plant in early spring and harvest by Easter:

Get more nature-inspired decorating ideas.

Easter decoration ideas - inspired by nature

 Pin for later reference!

Final thoughts on Easter decor ideas

I hope you got inspired by these 5 simple DIY Easter ideas and got your creatibe juices flowing! I belive that by incorporating natural materials, you can create beautiful indoor Easter decorations that are both easy to make and cost- are easy to construct and not costly.

Be creative, get help from your kids, and have fun!

Wishing you a joyful and Happy Easter!

Do you use materials found in nature in your Easter decor? Share in the comments.

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